
Our Agenda

  1. INTRODUCTION – with a presentation introducing the training and the tools needed. The steps for installing R, Rstudio and packages is in this slide along with a YouTube Video to visually see each step in Video 1
Video 1: Installation R, Rstudio, and tidyverse package
  1. Data types

  2. Data structures

  3. Reading and writing data in Rstudio

  4. Tidying Data with tidyverse

  5. Plotting

    1. Plotting and Visualization_A
    2. Plotting and Visualization_B
    3. Plotting and Visualization_C
  6. Data Manipulation

  7. Descriptive Statistics

  8. Inferential Statistics

  9. Modelling and simulation

  10. Spatial Handling and Analysis

  11. Further topics

    1. GIt and Github
    2. Reproducibility with Quarto
    3. Websites and blog
    4. Using python from Rstudio
    5. Generating HTML, PDF and Word Reports